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Our Guru Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui

Beloved spiritual Guru to thousands across the globe, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui developed and founded two major schools; Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. The two schools that are inextricably connected, yet also have distinct personalities. In Pranic Healing, the individual uses subtle energy and the knowledge of the energy body and the chakras to heal physical and psychological ailments. The word “Pranic” is derived from the word “Prana” or “ki” which translates into life force, or life energy, which is essential in keeping our bodies alive and healthy.

Arhatic Yoga, the higher school, is connected with the spiritual growth of the person and the development of the soul. Arhatic Yoga has been called the “Synthesis of Yoga’s”, which means that it contains the essential ‘inner’ teachings of all the major schools of yoga. GMCKS would often reiterate that with diligent practice of Arhatic Yoga, the soul may achieve Arhatship or Self-Realisation within one’s lifetime. In other traditions, an Arhat is known as an Arihant or a Paramhansa. His students have validated his teachings, just as he instructed — never follow a belief blindly — and benefit by living healthier, happier and more purposeful lives, while working diligently to alleviate their surroundings as well. While Pranic Healing is open for everybody, Arhatic Yoga is for spiritual students who want to go deeper into the priceless esoteric teachings that are unlocked with each course.

Founder and Originator of the Pranic Healing® and Arhatic Yoga® System Amol S Joshi

A Short History

GMCKS was born in 1952 in the Philippines into a wealthy family that owned several businesses, but he lived the life of an ascetic. In his teens he experimented with several esoteric healing schools and yogic practices that His main Spiritual Teacher assigned to him, which was a herculean task. GMCKS was to systematise the world of energy healing in to a comprehensive structured body of knowledge, that was devoid of superstitious beliefs and ancient unsubstantiated rituals. This became the purpose and mission of his lifetime and eventually his great contribution to mankind.

Over 20 years of research and development, GMCKS formulated new concepts, terminologies and techniques that helped explain energy healing as a practical science. He spent a lifetime in this detailed study, refinement, validation and testing of prana, leaving us the legacy and incredible benefits of his work, in Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, and in his countless students who believe not just in their spiritual evolution, but the evolution of the world, collectively. Healers, students, instructors — all are united in the belief of service, kindness and compassion. Apart from his spiritual life, Grandmaster was a successful businessman, a scientist, an author and a family man with four children. He lead by example, by living a balanced, fruitful, hard-working life, something he wanted all sentient beings to live by.

He released his first book, “Miracles Through Pranic Healing” in 1987. This book has since been translated in over 35 languages and is considered a standard work in energy sciences worldwide. As of today, Pranic Healing has spread to over 120 countries worldwide and is a part of several educational institutions, medical schools and government bodies.

The Many Facets of Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui

FOUNDER OF MODERN OF PRANIC HEALING: Recognising multiple applications for the use of Prana or Pranic Energy, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui is one of the greatest Master's of Energy of our generation. In developing the modern Pranic Healing techniques used today, which are cohesively known as 'MCKS Pranic Healing,' Master Choa created a new standard of perception regarding the activity and system of healing itself.

Master Choa conceived the comprehensive techniques designed to cleanse and energise the physical body, which thereby accelerated the rate at which the body can heal itself. Above and beyond that, he even originated new, never before used terms, to thoroughly clarify the concepts he devised, making the entire system methodical, practical and easy to learn and remember. He encouraged all to ask questions and never to accept any modality blindly, but to try, experience and validate it for yourself. Master Choa successfully demonstrated that energy is an important factor in healing the physical body, and through employing Pranic Psychotherapy, also in healing the psyche.

He formulated a systematic, user-friendly system, which is so brilliantly simple that even new students can rapidly learn the techniques to heal simple ailments. This enables them to produce immediate positive results that contribute to a life of good health and well-being. Grandmaster’s students are blessed to learn numerous methods for achieving success in life, by employing his remarkably effective techniques, broken down into different classes. These powerful tools clearly reflect his extensive grasp of the numerous applications of energy and of his deep comprehension of life itself.

Through Master Choa's teachings, his students are able to create more balance and to maintain greater success and harmony. He guides them through the enormous range of possibilities regarding the enriching application of Prana, or Vital Life Force to nearly every aspect of life.

Founder of Arhatic Yoga

Tailor-made for students actively on the spiritual path, Master Choa has developed a system of practices that leads to greater soul (or self) realization. Arhatic Yoga, the higher school of Pranic Healing, is nonsectarian, and proves to be indispensable towards the greater understanding of any individual willing to accept the existence of a Higher Being or a God. This fantastic synthesis of various yogic practices (garnered from many traditions), introduces the disciple to a variety of methods devised to safely accelerate spiritual growth, at the student’s own pace and impetus. These powerful techniques use ancient technology in original and creative combinations in order to activate and align the chakras and to awaken the kundalini energy or the "sacred fire.”

Arhatic Yoga is an advanced meditational technique that proportionally balances aspects of Universal Love, Intelligence and the Will. Practitioners are thereby able to develop higher intuition, advanced mental prowess, stable emotions, clearer qualities of good character and are, therefore, able to move more rapidly towards becoming totally integrated beings.

The Scientist

Initially trained as a chemical engineer, students often refer Master Choa as a "scientist of the soul." This scientific orientation enabled him to carefully systematize the techniques of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. Pragmatic, detail-oriented and with immense clarity — these, along with many quality were the offshoots of his scientist’s mind.Through extensive research, Master Choa developed a discipline called "technology of the Soul."

The implications of this are profound, powerful, widespread and exciting for mankind. A portion of this material was originally presented in Meditations for Soul Realization, and more is given in the book, Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord's Prayer.

Even more advanced teachings are transmitted to senior disciples and advanced students during special intensive workshops.

The Teacher

People often wonder how an astute, self-made businessman and adept scientist could be an enlightened guru. These are the qualities that make Master Choa a unique spiritual teacher for a modern era. He traveled ceaselessly across the globe, teaching people of all walks of life.

One of his distinctive qualities as a teacher is his ability to cause significant shifts of consciousness in his students. By the end of a two-day workshop, his students could experience spiritual elevation, mental alertness, emotional balance and a higher level of energy. His pragmatic teaching methodologies, enables his students to obtain volumes of lessons that will be relevant for an entire lifetime. Not only can these individuals experience significant improvement in themselves, but upon becoming teachers, they can also transfer this advanced technology to the benefit of others. And many do, inspired by Grandmaster as a teacher, by becoming instructors after becoming Pranic Healers.

The Author

The dynamic style of Master Choa Kok Sui's teaching is reflected in the direct, uncluttered style of his writing. By reading his books, a reader may attain a greater understanding of the Master's unique technology for rapidly achieving a higher degree of Oneness with their Soul. They may discover many esoteric "secrets," and learn practical techniques for living life more fully with less stress and with greater clarity and productivity.

Master Choa Kok Sui believes that we, the inhabitants of the Earth, are ready for a major shift in consciousness.

To understand Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui better, we encourage you to read ‘Origins of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga’ available at the office.

This book gives a first hand glimpse into the life & vision of Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui.